Chris has been an athlete all his life. He grew up playing baseball, basketball and football and has logged countless hours practicing Olympic, Kettlebell and Power lifts since then. His passion to be better fuels his desire to continually educate himself, and his ever-growing certifications include CrossFit Level II, CrossFit Kettlebell Level II, CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Nutrition, Free Style Gymnastics, and Functional Movement Screen I and II.

Five Questions with Coach Chris Hartwell

Favorite workout?
Barbara – its all body weight and you even get 3 minutes of rest between rounds. It’s a very doable WOD, and thats what makes it tough. The only thing to do is go fast as f@#$, the rounds add up and it starts to suck.

Favorite movement?
Barbell Snatch. It takes a high level athlete to hit a snatch right.

When you’re not coaching, what are you up to?
When I’m not coaching I’m usually out running and playing in the spring with my boy, King. I like grilling and enjoying a good beer, trying new experiences with theater and improv classes, and reading to raise my game as a coach, trainer and healer.

Hype jam?
Nuff’ Respect by Big Daddy Kane. The song puts me in the mindset that no one is me, no one can do what i do, and no one is willing.

“So witness the glare when I appear
None’ll compare, so take a seat in the rear
Child, you gotta understand, you just the man
Sitting’ next to the man, sitting’ next to the man, sitting’ next to the man”

Current goals?
I am currently working toward continuing my education with The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School and Clinic. I’m learning to incorporate and provide all aspects of massage therapy for clients. Adding my newest role as a Healer to my resume is just another reason to work with one of Austin’s premier Strength and Conditioning coaches!