I joined the CrossFit Central in 2020. I had previously been a member of CrossFit gyms and always enjoyed them, but chose to be a member of YMCA gyms during the 5 years of my 3 pregnancies because of YMCA’s daycare system. While this was great support for me as a mother, I missed the personal challenge that a CrossFit gym provides for me as an individual, and the more direct attention I can have with a coach. I also found that my back was starting to significantly hurt more and I was hopeful that strength training would help reign it in.

Prior to joining CrossFit Central I was scattered in my routine and felt spread out in my obligations to everyone else. While my time at YMCA was always appreciated, there was an intensity missing that I craved. I found myself wondering, If I could dive deeper into a workout that made me feel powerful, could I maybe start to feel more connected to that voice inside that gets buried daily? Could I feel more connected with myself?

Now, I feel joyful to show up to a gym every morning filled with friends who are just as enthusiastic and committed to this sacred gym time as I am. We are all busy, and we all have a day to get back to, but we greatly enjoy this hour at the gym where we are going to push ourselves physically and mentally and not be caught up in the weight of our other obligations.

As for specific gains in the gym, I am able to do real pull ups (just a few, but that’s a big deal!), push ups, and incrementally go up in weight in all of our strength training. Additionally, there are numerous Nutrition Challenges held throughout the year that I participate in and end up learning so much about my food! Learning about nutrition for my body and doing daily tracking has brought me down 10 lbs that I didn’t even realize I needed to lose. While all of these metrics are just numbers in the gym, those “gains” are felt in my normal day to day when I can move quicker, lift easier, and run faster while I’m out and about. It feels good to be strong and healthy.

I have a chronic back pain as well as persistent migraines. While there are facets to these issues that need to be conquered outside of the gym, finding a rhythm to keeping my body strong and healthy is a key part of the journey. Feeling truly connected to how my body operates is powerful, and can really carry me when I am feeling negative and defeated. I won’t make any progress on these if I don’t do my part and pay attention to living a healthy lifestyle. There have been ups and downs in both of these areas the last few years, but the answer is tried and true that I need to keep showing up for myself. Emotionally, that realization can build a lot of pride which in turn makes me feel bright and on top of my life.

Feeling in control of my body and not being a victim of small ailments that I can’t change (especially as we age and take on more responsibilities in life) keeps me coming back. I am lucky to have a body that works, and I never want that to go away. I am grateful to have a gym that celebrates that idea, and to have a community of people who share that passion.


In October 2023, my husband and I went camping in Big Bend for our 10 year anniversary. We did stringent hikes, kayaking, ATV riding, and slept in cots for 5 days. My back was screaming! But the pain was not as loud as the amount of fun and excitement I was having in my life in that moment with my best friend. As we continued to say yes to adventure, I felt so much gratitude that I had the strength to be out there, and to carry my back through this week of tough asks! I had one of the best weeks of my life, and it was only possible because of the work I put in at the gym. I’m so happy that I can say yes to things I want to do in life, and keep living my adventure!