I joined CrossFit Central Burnet Road in March of 2023. I've knew several people who did CrossFit. I found it interesting, but never considered it for myself.

I played lacrosse in high school and college, and was in and out of the gym ever since. Lots of inconsistency coupled with injuries. I spent the last 3 years consistently working out in my garage, and was in "good" shape. I had spent several months working with a counselor on my mental and emotional health, but was now feeling stuck (unmotivated, unchallenged) physically. A friend of mine was running the Leadville100 race, and it got me thinking, what was something I could accomplish? I landed on the Murph workout. I quickly realized I would need help to get into that kind of shape.

I researched several crossfit gyms, and while CrossFit Central Burnet Road isn't the closest to my house, it seemed like the best fit. It was well-established, the coaches were experienced, and you could feel a real sense of community just from the website and social media.

I was sucked in almost immediately. The duality of the strength portion followed by the metcon was super fun and challenging. Learning these new lifting movements while pushing myself physically kept me coming back.

I'm definitely in the best shape of my life. Not only strength (which had been my main focus previously) but aerobically and mobility-wise as well. I almost, maybe, might… enjoy running now...? I’m mentally sharper, sleep better, and my body feels better than it ever has before (minus the soreness). Learning that you can do anything you put your mind to, pushing yourself through a hard workout, has been a real gift that filters into all aspects of life.

In May I completed Murph and it was great! I finished RX in 59:46.

I really can't say enough about the coaches here. Each of them is so different and yet the common thread is they each genuinely care about us and our progress. I've been personally motivated by each staff member in a different and impactful way. CrossFit Central Burnet Road coaches are the best!