I joined CrossFit Central in December of 2022. I had been keeping a pretty grueling running routine leading up to that time, but some foot and hip issues were making me have to dial back on the running. Looking for something new, a friend invited me to come try a CrossFit class with him. I had done similar group workouts in the past, but never CrossFit specifically. I was a little skeptical about CrossFit based on some uneducated perceptions I had, but after that first class, I knew it was a great fit.

I went through some pretty major and tough life changes back in 2020 and early 2021 which led me to put a lot of work and focus into growing emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually through the change. Consistent exercise was already a big part of my daily life when I joined CrossFit Central, but I was looking for new routines and challenges, and wanted to find a supportive and active community. I found all of that coming to CrossFit Central.

My mentality with CrossFit has really been driven by the idea of having a long obedience in the same direction – taking it one day and one workout at a time. I get to come into the gym and do something that is a challenge, something that pushes me. Yesterday’s workout is in the past and there is just the workout in front of me. I try to find new ways to push myself each day and just enjoy the process along the way. And by doing this consistently, the results come. I have seen my strength and endurance increase, and just my overall physical well-being has improved.

From not knowing what a muscle up even was to being able to do a number of them in a row now really blows my mind. I have to also say that the community and being able to do this alongside other like-minded, energetic people has been one of the biggest motivators. We are a competitive bunch of people here, and I love being around that kind of energy.

I’ve gained 8 lbs muscle, lost 4.5% body fat, 70# increase in bench max, plus major gains in endurance, and a MURPH time of 37:30.

I usually get to an early morning class, and I’ve found that starting the day with a challenging workout first thing really helps set the tone for the day. There’s a mental toughness that comes with that and I find a lot of balance there. Life gets busy and we all have a million things swirling around in our heads all the time, and being able to be present during a workout and focus on the task at hand is a very grounding activity for me.

There are so many things that keep me coming back to CrossFit Central, but first and foremost it is the environment, the community of people and the amazing staff. There’s a heart to this place and something really special about the community here and the people I’ve been able to connect with. I love the programming and knowing that each day brings a new set of challenges within the workout, as well as variety. I also like that there is a focus of supporting others in the community through the different cause-related fundraisers and workouts. I’ve noticed a change for the better in myself since joining a year ago and I look forward to seeing what this next year holds.