Growing up in India, I used to be a competitive gymnast. Post-college I came to the US for grad school. During school years, I didn’t keep up with fitness. Then one day, during one of our initial dates, my husband suggested I join him for a CrossFit class. I absolutely enjoyed it! In 2018, we decided to move to Austin and found the CrossFit box first, after which we found housing near the gym. :)

In 2019 I had my second baby, working out soon took a backseat. During that time I didn’t feel great. I had gained a lot of weight and my confidence levels were very low. I was a 0/10 on all levels. My kids are now 5 and 3 years old and I realized that it's high time to focus on my health.

I rejoined CrossFit Central in August of 2022. I did the CC33 Challenge with Coach Amy. It helped me feel supported and gave me a kickstart! I started with the barbell class with just the bar without any weights. Since then I have made significant progress going from just a bar (35 lbs) to around 80 pounds for push press! I have also lost about 18lbs in weight. The improvement in my confidence levels have been the most significant change which has positively impacted my mental and emotional health. I feel more confident and energetic. My life now revolves around my health instead of the other way around.

Apart of weight loss and strength gain, my main goal was to create a habit and I have accomplished that. I have shown up 4-5 times a week since I started. The sense of community, enthusiasm and positive vibes that I feel from the coaches (Davis, Amy, Jeremy, Amy, Victoria, Chris) keeps me coming back.

I have been going to barbell class and I am grateful to Davis and my CrossFit friends (Marco, Bell, Q, Claudia, Kate, Rachel, Kieran, Jaimie) for their encouragement and support! I also did CC33 under Amy’s guidance and it was very helpful. The regular meetings and her valuable input gave me a kickstart to forming good habits!!! It’s a super positive environment!!!! It’s what keeps me coming back for MORE!!!