My husband previously joined the gym and convinced me to try out a few classes. Initially I was very skeptical to join CrossFit central because I always thought of it as heavy lifting and lots of injuries. Also it looked very intimidating and I didn't think there would be too many women in class. After that first class I was convinced this was definitely something different and I knew I would enjoy being a part of this group.

You are joining a lot more than just a gym when you become a member at CrossFit Central. It's a whole different community where everyone ends up knowing each other and you get tons of support and encouragement from all members and coaches. After a few months at CrossFit Central I was hooked. I fell in love with the community and the WODS. It's very different from exercising at a typical gym. Here you focus more on personal goals, achieving better personal results, and learning and improving complex lifts. I have learned that my body is capable of learning and doing so much if I keep persistent and consistent at my goals.

Prior to CrossFit Central I always enjoyed workout out but I never knew how to do it as efficiently as I do today. Before CrossFit I don't think ever pushed myself as much to improve or learn how much my body is capable of. Today I feel stronger and fitter than ever and look forward to many more future improvements because I have so many things I want to improve. Exercises were always so repetitive, monotonous and boring at typical gyms. I would often feel like I had to drag myself to the gym and it was never as fun. Here it is very different. I am always excited to come back the next day ready to confront another WOD and challenge myself to learn and do something extra. There is always room for improvement and we are always working for a better version of yourself, this is what it’s all about. I have learned that my body is capable of handling a great amount of physical challenges. I have also learned that sometimes it is important to rest and recover.

I am pleased with my weight loss since joining crossfit and my goals are now to get stronger. It is always amazing to see the improvements I have accomplished and look forward to many more.

Coming to CrossFit on a daily basis is the time I take for myself to do something that brings me joy. It makes me feel energized, happy and alive. This is my personal time where I forget about all my daily stress and focus on my personal physical goals. The positive energy that I have from working out is also extremely beneficial for my family as well. My kids see how much my husband and I enjoy our time at the gym and this motivates them to want to exercise and be active. It encourages good healthy habits for the whole family.

I love the feeling of improvement and accomplishment. CrossFit gives me this. I accept all the daily WOD challenges and look at every class as an opportunity to do something difficult. It is motivating to do this with a group and to learn from and be encouraged by all the athletes at the gym.