I first joined the CrossFit Central in May of 2022. What initially drew me to the gym was the location (it’s very close to my home) and the great reviews online. More generally, I’d been interested in CrossFit for some time, but I had too many excuses not to commit. When I finally resolved to give it a try, CrossFit Central seemed like the perfect place to start. I remember viewing their page on google maps and noticing that there were so many people not just working out, but looking really happy. I wanted to be a part of something like that too. 

Prior to joining CrossFit Central, I was tired a lot of the time. I wasn’t unhappy with the way my body looked, but I was unhappy with the way my body felt. As a new mom, I noticed that a lot of me atrophied with pregnancy and getting through the newborn stages. I was physically weak, mentally precarious, and emotionally fried. Anxiety and fatigue were very common topics of discussion in my house. When I first joined, my son was 6 months old and I finally had the bandwidth to focus on myself more. However, with that focus, I only noticed how unhappy I was and I knew that something needed to change.  

Since joining CrossFit Central, I’ve seen amazing results! I’m happy to say that my weight has stayed the same, but I’ve lost roughly 5% body fat and I’ve gained 5 lbs of muscle. When I first joined the gym, I could barely front squat 100 lbs. Roughly five months later and my new front squat PR is 120 lbs! I know these numbers aren’t particularly impressive in a vacuum, but considering just how out of shape I was when I initially joined, I look at those numbers with a lot of pride. 

I didn’t have many expectations for altering my looks. My main goal was to feel strong. Now, not only do I feel strong, but I look strong!
Mentally and emotionally I feel so much better since joining CrossFit Central. I have more confidence in my body’s ability to undergo physical stress, and with that physical confidence comes a mental confidence too. I no longer feel tired, stressed, or anxious. On the days where I do wake up feeling overwhelmed, I make sure to get my butt to the gym because I know it’ll turn my whole day around.

There are so many reasons that keep me coming back to CrossFit Central! First, the people are so welcoming, warm, and positive. The atmosphere is such a supportive one. Second, there’s still so much more to improve upon! I’m finally getting to the point where I can complete some of the workouts at RX. That’s a great feeling! I know that everyday I show up I have the opportunity to practice, become stronger, and get better. 

Crossfit Central is a safe space where one has the opportunity to develop mental and physical fortitude. I know that I can show up and try something I’ve never attempted before, be it more weight than I’ve ever lifted or a new weight-lifting form, with the understanding that even if I fail my attempt will only ever be met with enthusiasm, support, and gentle guidance. It feels good knowing that I can walk into the gym with the confidence that I’ll be safe even if I fail and also knowing that with each failure comes more strength and endurance.   

It’s a wonderful thing to have a dedicated space where you can set your ego aside and work at bettering yourself from an objective standpoint. CrossFit Central provides that space, where we all have the option to confront our own limitations and then resolve ourselves to push further.