I initially joined CrossFit Central in the fall of 2014. I lived in the neighborhood and kept driving by and seeing all these people doing crazy things outside. I was doing bikram yoga at the time and felt burned out by it. I initially loved Bikram because it was so intense and challenging. I had heard about CrossFit and thought it was right up alley in terms of intensity. So I signed up to do the elements and began my journey. The first class was incredibly hard and I kept thinking "what the heck did I sign up for?!" But, I came back. It doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.

I look a hiatus from CrossFit Central from 2019-2021. There was a lot going on in my life at that point and I did not have the energy to get to the gym to work out. But by September of 2021 I was fat and miserable and wanted to make some big life changes. I loved CrossFit Central before and knew I could get back in shape. I needed some extra accountability with nutrition so I did the LIFTOFF Body Nutrition program with Coach Carey.

I was 158 lbs and 35% body fat when I started. Now I am 138 lbs and 22% body fat.

The first months were extremely challenging because the scale did not budge but I kept the course, tracked and ate my macros, and showed up at the gym. Eventually the scale moved. I was 100% committed to getting in shape and getting healthy.

The weight and fat loss have been nice, don't get me wrong, but the best results have been the mental transformations. I am no longer depressed, apathetic, lethargic, and weak. I am now joyful, confident, strong & energetic. Yes I am happy with the results and I want more. I want to get even stronger and leaner & happier. It's been a lot of hard work, grit, perseverance, accountability, and support. And also it's been fun too.

I keep coming back because I love the community of people. I love living a fit lifestyle and am proud to call myself a member of CrossFit Central.