
I joined CrossFit roughly four years ago. The biggest changed occurred in April this year when Coach Allison helped me fix my nutrition. I have greatly increased my protein intake and virtually cut all processed food out of my diet.

I have come to learn that nutrition is about 90 percent of the battle. I feel fantastic and have lost 15 pounds and my body fat is way lower.

I love CrossFit Central it feels like another home. I try to show up whether i’m having a good or rotten day. Some days you don’t feel it but when you arrive you remember why you showed up. There’s something special about laughing at the crazy workout in front of you and knowing we all get to suffer together. Once you’re done you feel great. I have gotten much stronger and am in much better shape.

CrossFit Central has greatly improved my life in so many ways. I’m grateful this community exists and will likely afford me the chance to live a longer healthier and happier life. This is a special place!!!