I joined CrossFit Central toward the end of 2019. I had already been living in the area for several years and had always known about CrossFit Central, but just never took the leap. When I took on a new job, I thought it would also be a good idea to change other habits and I just decided to give it a shot.

Growing up I was very involved in sports, but after I graduated from college I never had anything to drive me to routinely exercise. I would have stints of running or lifting but never at the same intensity as before. My twenties have mostly been spent just eating and drinking whatever I felt like without thinking about it. One day I looked in the mirror and thought about how much weight I had gained and how generally out of shape I was. But it happened so gradually over time that I wasn't paying attention.

Maintained Weight While Losing 9% Body Fat

First and foremost, since joining I feel I have gotten back the strength and fitness I had when I was a young athlete. Furthermore, I'm still progressing everyday and can see myself surpassing my youth in terms of fitness at the age of 30.


Mentally, I am much more positive and outgoing. I used to always be a bit of a homebody, but now I find myself more willing to get out and try new things and push myself out of my comfort zone. I keep coming back because I keep seeing self improvement, even if it's only a few pounds more a half a second faster. It always starts my day off right to the point where when I miss a session for the day, my day feels incomplete.