I initially joined CrossFit Central in 2019. Honestly the thing that drew me to CrossFit Central was the fact my wife had planned a trip with all of her friends and their husbands to the beach. I knew I was physically in a “soft” place still dealing with some of the bad habits of my 20’s. SO I just used this trip as a short term motivation to try and be fit for, and thought CrossFit would give me the best bang for the buck in the two months I had. Now it’s almost 3 years later and I’m still grinding away.

Joining CrossFit Central was the single best decision I made in 2019. I still had some of the bad health habits I had formed in college and was at a turning point. I was about to hit 30 and I could either continue down this route or flip it on its head.

I have seen massive results since joining the gym. My mile time has dropped 3-minute plus. I’ve gone from 193 lbs to 217 lbs since joining, while dropping my body fat percentage by 8%.

Lost 8% body fat and gained lean muscle


Seeing these gains in the gym helped my knock off some bad habits that were still lingering around from college!

I have always had a lot of mental and physical energy my entire life, but didn’t always with the healthiest outlets for either of them. CrossFit Central has helped me direct that energy in a positive direction that helped me improve my life in more ways than just physically.

Fitness plays into all of my closest relationships wether it be with work, close friends, or my wife. Before joining CrossFit Central I was trying to find something to do with friends or my wife that was more than just drinking in different locations. This gym has helped with that. Finding outlets such as paddle boarding, hiking green belt, or something as simple as riding bikes to the bar instead of ubering. It has allowed me to enjoy physical activity rather than to think of it as some form of punishment.

What keeps me coming back to CrossFit Central is easy, it’s the results.