I initially joined CrossFit Central in September of 2020. My best friend had just moved back to town and tried a HIIT class and told me I had to come check it out! I took a couple of classes, fell in love, and have been here ever since!

Prior to coming to CrossFit Central, I definitely felt weaker, physically, mentally, and emotionally. We were still in a pandemic and although things were opening back up, things were definitely still different. My wedding that was planned for June of 2020 got canceled and all aspects of life were different, as were everyone else's! My workout routine abruptly came to a halt, work changed significantly, and seeing friends and family was far from the norm. 2020 was hard for everyone and I was definitely seeking some normalcy and community again.

I lost fat and gained muscle within the first few months of joining CrossFit Central! My wedding was re-planned for January of 2021 and I felt amazing going into my special day.

Mentally and emotionally I have become so much stronger! My workouts really help me destress and give me that endorphin boost that is so necessary for me. I also feel really strong and confident in my body and myself as I experience my body changing, being 18 weeks pregnant! I feel extremely supported by the CrossFit Central fam during this time in my life!


What keeps me coming back? Definitely Coach Jeremy and Coach Bella! Everyone is great, but because I mostly take HIIT classes in the morning, I see them the most. They are so supportive, encouraging, and definitely keep me coming back. We also have a HIIT crew which gives a great sense of community and a great way to start the day !