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Early in 2018 my husband and I moved into the same neighborhood as Carey and Kris - we saw them walking their dog every evening. They were the first to welcome us to the area and always extended an invite to try out CrossFit Central. I had never thought of trying CrossFit before (I actually thought that that kind of thing wasn’t for me). After months of lacking self motivation and feeling burned out because my typical exercise routines weren’t giving me results, I eventually took them up on the offer. I am sure glad I did, it’s been life changing!

Before joining CrossFit, I can remember always struggling to feel like I was trying to keep weight off. Most of my life I felt like I needed to be on a diet of some sort or try to run a lot to stay in shape or thin. Naturally I would quickly burn out and yo-yo back and forth with an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Even though I was “athletic,” I never really enjoyed working out before CrossFit Central. Even in the “before” photo above (taken at the end of 2017, which was a few months before joining CrossFit Central) I remember being very unhappy with my physical and mental/emotional health. I never slept well at night and I would drink way too many energy drinks to get me through even trivial daily tasks. I didn’t even realize how unhealthy I actually felt until a few months into starting at CrossFit Central when I began to feel, and learn, what a sustainable healthy lifestyle was!

Since joining CrossFit Central, I have too many results to count! For one, I don’t dread the workouts. Ever. Not even on days with pull-ups or snatch (the two exercises I was most intimated about when I began). In fact I get bummed when my schedule doesn’t allow me to get a workout in, especially if it has those moves! Thanks to the LIFTOFF Nutrition program this year, my relationship with food has also taken a 180 for the better - for the first time I’ve realized how food can properly fuel my body and mind for the good. I've learned how to balance my macros at a level that is beneficial to my lifestyle and goals, while still enjoying my favorite foods and beverages. This past year joining “MURPH Mondays” has been most transforming for my body. I've gained strength that I've never had (even during my years of sports). I never thought I could push my body and mind to accomplish something like Murph (let alone with a vest)! It’s a very empowering and a great group of people to support, cheer, and push you through it every Monday!


I've never been more proud of my body and what it can do. My physical accomplishments this year have directly impacted my personal and professional life in a very positive way. I have seen a major improvement in my confidence, energy, and mental/emotional strength. Tackling difficult situations is a night and day difference from where I used to be. Having the community and outlet through CrossFit Central has sprung a positive transformation in many avenues of my life. I've realized the connection my physical and mental health have on both my personal and professional life and having people to support you in both will get you much farther! Another barrier that I have overcome is being proud of my body and what it can accomplish, despite what the scale says. I weigh the heaviest I ever have in my life, but feel the healthiest and more fit than all the years of competitive sports and trying to "exercise" on my own in my adult life.

In this year of uncertainty and anxiety with world events, I was still able to take care of my physical and mental well being through all of CrossFit Central’s portals - Zoom classes, weekly group check-in with coaches, remote LIFTOFF programs - even at the beginning of the pandemic when you couldn’t get a hold of workout equipment to buy, Carey and Kris lent me bumper plates for my barbell (until I could get a hold of my own). All these avenues helped to keep me moving (literally) when I didn’t have the motivation on my own. It takes community and CrossFit Central has definitely been an important one for me.

What keeps me coming back to CrossFit Central? The people. The coaches. The community. That feeling after getting a new PR on a lift or workout! (And how well I sleep afterwards). Really the holistic improvement on my health keeps me coming back!