
I am 67 years old and a grandmother to 6 children and a mother to 4. Before the pandemic I was coming 5 days a week to The Golden Hour. CrossFit Central moved everything online during the lockdown and The Golden Hour (for people ages 50+) has remained virtual. It’s been great! Coach Jess is so great and coaches me through the virtual sessions. Even in a virtual setting she can spot when I’m doing something wrong and corrects my form.

The coaches scale every workout to your ability. They never made me feel like “an old lady.” They had me do the movements to the best of my ability while still challenging me. In fact, it was the opposite, they tell me I’m an inspiration.

Since starting at CrossFit Central I feel stronger. I have more energy and more stamina. My husband said he can’t keep up with me. :)

I keep coming back because I want a productive life. I want to be independent, I don’t want to be a burden to my family.