
I started CrossFit Central in August of 2019, and chose CrossFit Central because it was in such a convenient location. My first interactions were with Amy, who I felt an immediate kinship to, and Alaina at the front desk who took excellent care of me. Duncan was my first coach, and he was willing to personalize my requests including reading a book that I brought to class! The coaches were all immediately welcoming and willing to show me how to “scale” different movements. They always went over every move before we performed it, then patiently gave me corrections for improvement.

Prior to joining CrossFit Central I had just moved back to Austin in May from the Sierra Nevada foothills. The move came about suddenly, and I was a wreck from making the move super quickly. I packed my house (with the help of friends and family) in ten days and moved. I had started CrossFit in our Northern California town, but had only done it for about three months before the move. Prior to that, I had not done much exercise at all (aside from occasionally walking with the dog) for almost eight years. Prior to that, I was practicing Yoga regularly for seven years, and before that it was hiking and biking.

I was really ready to give my body some attention after being out of shape for so long.

Since joining CrossFit Central I’ve seen a big change in increased energy. I’ve also stayed even-keeled and content during all of the Covid-19 restrictions. I have more muscle. I even have biceps now. And my glutes are at least activating now when they weren’t 1 ½ years ago. I’ve seen huge improvements in the amount of weight I can lift, especially deadlifts, back squats, front squats, and split jerks. Fifteen pound dumbbells now feel like the tens used to feel.

I usually keep myself emotionally stable, but given these strange Covid times, I know exercising every morning at CrossFit Central has helped me to stay happy and centered.

 When the gym closed due to the Covid lockdown their online Zoom classes were extremely beneficial. Those classes kept me sane when we didn’t know what was going to happen. It was so nice to see Jeremy and several others from the community every morning.

What keeps me coming back? FUN!!!!!!! I have fun at every workout. The fact that I wake up early and excited to go challenge my body and see what’s in store. Will I PR this week? Will my lifting form on cleans or snatches finally improve substantially? I keep learning more and more about my body.

The coaches and personnel, and of course, my fellow CrossFit Central teammates. So it is the community and the fun is what keeps me going!
