
Everyone calls me (Diana) Hellgha, which is actually my rollerderby name but I guess it fits me.

I initially joined CrossFit Central after I firstly needed a change, and by that I mean an actual change as in an action and not just me hoping to change. I also met Morgan a few months prior, and this Hawaiian energizer bunny was just always so excited to tell everyone how CrossFit Central changed her life.

I wanted that change, and it is exactly what I needed.

I was always active even at my highest weight of 350 lbs., but I wanted to excel at all the things that I hated since they seem so unattainable and hard. I also really wanted to make the travel team for my rollerderby team, Texas Rollergirls, who is ranked 8 in the Women’s Flattrack Rollerderby Association. In my personal life I was also going through a major change. I wanted to take my power back, and feel really strong.

This community is always so encouraging and excited, that I really felt excited to get my behind in the gym as often as possible, join all of the challenges, slowly add muscle, and clean up my eating habits. I have never felt stronger and fitter, all while being supported by some of the most amazing women.

I have consistently seen my body change in the most amazing ways and am now able to box jump a 20 inch box, do burpees somewhat good, and do a decent push-up. I have endless endurance for derby .

I lost 40 lbs and overall feel amazing.
In the beginning of March, I made the travel team.


Covid hit and I could have easily just let that hinder me, but CrossFit Central totally rocked the Zoom classes. The daily exercise helped me to keep my mind in a good mental state and just gave me a great basis to start my day with exercise. I actually decided to see this as a good opportunity to be even more focused. I have learned from my choices that you just do one thing and stay consistent, and you will reach it. And I did. I also did try to focus on nutrition but this is still a working progress.

What keeps me coming back is my promise to myself to be fit and strong, to have excellence in my training, to invest the 60 minutes of daily activity into my own wellness ,and to surround myself with people of a similar mindset.

I love it here.
