
Prior to joining CrossFit Central, I was physically heading in the wrong direction. I was adding weight by not being physically active. I joined CrossFit Central because I want to be an active Dad as my sons grow up.

Since joining the CrossFit Central community I am stronger than I have ever been. I've dropped over 2 minutes in my mile time. When I started, mobility issues made it difficult to overhead squat the PVC pipe. Now, I set a new PR in overhead squat at 105 lbs., that 20 lbs. more than last year. I think I'll have a full muscle-up in 2019 - wow!

I enjoy looking at an ass-kicking WOD, and then plowing through it to finish by the time cap. It's usually not RX & rarely pretty, but I have a feeling of accomplishment being about to complete the daily WOD challenges.


CrossFit is now the way I manage stress. I work in a high-pressure, high-responsibility job. With CrossFit, I can leave everything else at the door to the box, and just focus on getting stronger for that hour. 

I bring my boys to Cross Fit Central at times while I workout. I think it sets a good example for them to see me be healthy and exercise. And, I think that CrossFit Central will allow me to maintain an active lifestyle with them doing the activities we like to do - hiking, camping, hunting, playing sports, etc.
